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09 maart 2024

Gewicht: Tot nu toe verloren: Nog te gaan: Dieet gevolgd:
79,3 kg 0 kg 16,7 kg 100%
   (1 reactie) Gewichtsafname van 5,1 kg per week

08 maart 2024

Yippee even though it is just a itty bitty down on the IT box (scale) at least it is DOWN. I was good yesterday and I resisted the chocolate chunk cookies at my volunteer job and also the afterwards temptation to stop and get take out or eat in at a place I normally do after, on thursdays. It was not an easy day with the 'work' and also the 'resistance' but I make it though. I did eat a bit more of MY foods allowed on my woe, for dinner but thats ok. It was all REAL food and good. And no wine with dinner, which is another thing I have resisted for the past week. That is not easy either. Tonight my "crew" (kids & grands) are coming home and hopefully I will continue to stick to my woe. I've told them I am eating on a special plan for me, so NO Birthday Cake PLEASE! Fortunately I'm not much of a 'cake' person. So even if they get one to have themselves I won't feel I need to eat even one bite. Don't get me wrong, if it is here and if I wasn't so determined to stick to this plan (this time) I would eat it anyway, then that would set me on a downhill plunge into a binge of everything else I could find. So, WHY start? REMEMBER it might taste 'good' as I eat it, but after I swallow and the taste is gone It will show up on my hips, thighs, stomach, & now even my calves were getting thicker! I have to stop. My uniform is TOO TIGHT and I don't want to go to my supervisor and get the next size up! But of course, that is not the only reason to loose the extra pounds, I just don't feel completely 100% me at this weight. So I will keep on keeping on for ME! Hope ALL is well in FS-Land & Take care to ALL :-)
Gewicht: Tot nu toe verloren: Nog te gaan: Dieet gevolgd:
80,0 kg 0 kg 17,4 kg 100%
   Reactie Toevoegen Gewichtsafname van 0,6 kg per week

07 maart 2024

Finally I am down past where I was awhile back. When I was away I did go up, just didn't post it in the weight box (noted it in my journal entries instead). But the IT box (scale) is 'acting' a bit strange, will show one number then I go off IT for a moment and back on, it shows a different one! So I went on & off about 4 times this morning until I got the 176.6 at least 2 times, lol. But that is better than the 178 I got one of those times :-) I think if it kept showing 178 I would have just given up, but at least with it showing a little down, it will help motivate me to stay with my woe, at least today! I have to take this journey one day at a time and sometimes even just one moment at a time! Today I go to my volunteer job which is where someone always brings fresh donuts, cookies, or other snack 'foods'. I'm not much of a donut person unless it is Boston cream and the cookies I can take or leave unless they are chocolate chunk (I ate about 10 of them last week :-( ). The other snack stuff I can take or leave, unless I don't have anything else available and get stressed with the 'work'. It is rewarding work, just stressful. We help people recover from scams & frauds or unfair business practices. BUT today I am going to have MY food. We finally got a small refrigerator so I am going to bring REAL foods that are on my woe and stay away from the fake "foods". Also I need to limit or eliminate the coffee. I tend to use to much 'fake' creamer, it is sugar free and tastes good, but I think it tends to start a trigger in me for more 'fake' stuff. So I have been drinking herb teas this past week and I'll make sure I have some there. I normally drink a lot of water anyway, so that is good. Now I just need to make sure I have a lot of 'me' friendly food around for this weekend when the crew (my kids & grands) come home to 'celebrate' my birthday. Normally when they are here there is a lot of food, snacks & drink, HAVE TO STAY AWAY FROM THAT! Hope ALL is well in FS-Land & Take care to ALL :-)
Gewicht: Tot nu toe verloren: Nog te gaan: Dieet gevolgd:
80,1 kg 0 kg 17,5 kg 100%
   Reactie Toevoegen Gewichtsafname van 0,6 kg per week

06 maart 2024

I've been good on my woe, not much exercising except for "running" here and there, work & general life :-) My IT box (scale) is acting weird. Seems like it likes to play tricks on me, one min shows one number, next a different number. Ok, Ok, again I know I probably should not weigh myself everyday but again, that is a difficult habit to break. It has not really gone down, but I am feeling good so I best keep up with what I'm doing. I did eat a lot later than I normally do yesterday, so that IS a habit I need to break. I'll start trying that today but not eating past 5 or 6, depending on my work schedule. I am worrying about what to do this weekend and next week when my kids come over for a cookout. I do have to work some of the time they will be here, so that will help keep me away from 'no-no' food & drink a little bit. I am going to really try to stay within my woe foods. Next week friends want to take me out to late lunch / early dinner for my Birthday, I've been researching to find a place that might have foods on my woe. I might be able to do that, but again, they will probably order a 'surprise' cupcake or ice cream thing with a candle in it, which I really can't do. I know some people can take one bite and be ok, I CANNOT! If I eat one it is DONE, even though I am aware what is happening I will NOT stop, it is a trigger with me that continues me eating stuff I should not. So why start with 1? I'm just going to try to politely let them know that. I know 1 person will understand and he is the one that is kind of organizing it. Then the next "trigger" coming up is next month when my BFF comes back for a long visit. She always has snack foods everywhere and is one of those people that CAN eat just 1 and thats it. She is also a bit overweight (even admits it) and she says I'm ok at weight I am and yes, trys to urge me to eat just 1, or wait and 'diet' after she leaves, likes to go out to eat a lot, and has 'no-no' candy in little dishes on her tables. When we watch movies at her house it is sooooo hard for me to say NO! I just have to remember, the 'yummy' taste the peanut butter cup gives in my mouth, is GONE after I swallow only to show up as extra pounds & eventual bulges on my body! Hope ALL is well in FS-Land & Take care to ALL!

05 maart 2024

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