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18 november 2014

Where to begin?... It was a great weekend -- such fun with my son, who now lives in SC, home on Fri, dinner that night out with DH's sister also in from out-of-town, niece, BIL, MIL and the 4 of us; Then on Sat, both boys' GFs were over, so there was lots of activity and more fun; DH and I went out for dinner with friends that Sat night while DS's with their GFs; and up extra early on Sun to get DS to the airport for his flight. It was a truly great, fun-filled weekend, but I was tired on Sun and got into too many nuts, fruit, dark chocolate, etc. midday. But, proudly, I recognized that I was tired and not really hungry, put on the brakes, emailed a friend and let myself rest for the "rest" of the day, and get to bed early.

Then yesterday, I had a good call with my health coach, and a bit of an "ah-ha" moment. Sundays have been a struggle for quite some time, and along with traveling home from a trip, where I've felt stuck for awhile. Part of it, I've thought is my long-standing habit to restrict what I eat during the week so I can indulge on the weekends. But, what I realized in our conversation yesterday, as well, is that on Sundays, many times, I'm tired -- physically and emotionally. Most weekends, we go out on at least one night (this past weekend, it was both Fri & Sat), so I'm getting to bed later (hence the physical exhaustion) and the introvert in me needs re-charging as socializing can be emotionally tiring for me as well. While I try to nap on Sundays, most times I can't fall asleep or even if I do, I'm still fatigued after. What I did after my eating this past Sunday was to veg in my comfy chair, watch football and read, which was exactly what I needed. Instead, though, most Sundays or any day when DH is home, I try to plow my way through my fatigue feeling I need to stay busy and productive like my type A, energetic DH. When I feel tired like that during the week, I rest, but when DH is home, I feel guilty as he's always so productive and busy. What I have to realize is that, that is him, and I have other, different needs for sleep, rest, re-juvenating, etc. So, Sundays, beware -- you may just become my day of rest as my bible proclaims it! And, I'll talk to DH about this need that I've been neglecting in hope of getting his acceptance and support.

So, that's my story and I'll stick to it as I try, try again to continue building my healthy eating & living highway. I'm on much later in the day here, but still pause to pray --

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

And, for what remains of this one day and each one meal, moment, bite, thought and emotion, I'll pray, breathe, journal, stay curious & express my way. I'm so grateful for each of wonderful you (I'm off to catch up on your journals next), my family & IRL friends, fun-filled weekends with my boys home, ah-ha moments, progress and having the health & wealth to live this life I love! xoxox

13 november 2014

More to be happy about today -- my baby is coming home for the weekend! He moved to SC in July to start his first job out of college, and has a last minute business trip to Scranton, PA today. So, tomo he'll drive home to CT and we'll have him for the weekend! I couldn't be more excited! Of course, we'll have to share him with his friends here & his girlfriend may come also from NYC, but I'll take any time with him I can get... and especially a big, bear hug! I love both my boys beyond words, but they each have their own way of expressing their love back. My older does so verbally and rarely a day goes by without an "I love you Mom". My younger expresses himself with the best, longest, big bearish hugs and other loving ways, and having him live far away, I've missed them so! So, I'll be sure to get my fill while he's here for the weekend, and know he'll be back in just one week for Thanksgiving! He was able to take off the whole week, so the hugs will be in plenty for the next few weeks and again when he's home from Christmas through New Years. It truly makes the holidays. which have been filled with stress at times in the past, something I'm so excited for and looking forward to.

I've been to 7am workout, and am heading up to work shortly. Then, squeezing in a mani/pedi after. So, more to be happy about! But before I get farther into my day, I'll pray --

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

And I'll pray, breathe, journal, log, stay curious and express my way through this one day, meal, moment, bite, thought & emotion. I'm so grateful for each of awesome you, my family & IRL friends, my boy coming home tomo, feeling and eating great, a good nights sleep, and having the health & wealth to live this life I love! xoxox

12 november 2014

I did it.... I really, really finally did it... and can you tell I'm a little excited and extremely happy & proud!?! After many attempts, I returned home from a trip and did not eat my way through the unpacking or transition home. I've been feeling less tempted by sugar in general which after speaking to my health coach, we could only conclude was due to my focus on whole foods; increased veggies, protein and healthy fats; reducing fruit; and eliminating processed foods, added sugar, grains and dairy as much as possible. While I didn't adhere perfectly when I was away and eating every meal out, I did the best I could while also enjoying my time with my Mom, family and friends. Regardless, I'm one happy girl this morning, albeit sleep deprived (more on that later)... happy about how great the trip went and now how great the return home went also!

Sleep! it's been at bay really since the time change when I started waking about 2 hours earlier each day. Then in Cincy, I started waking during the night and usually not falling back to sleep at all or for very long. Last night at home was no different -- to bed at 9, up from 12:30 till 2:30, sleep till 4 and up since feeling anything but well rested, but happy anyway with the mounting successes in my healthy eating and living journey.

Today, I have the dreaded catch up here, but was sure to set up some pampering too and have a facial this afternoon... think I could nap through it? I'm off to spin class shortly -- Weds are a tough interval endurance ride, yikes! -- but will start my day happily in prayer --

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

And through this one day and each one meal, moment, bite, thought and emotion, I'll pray, breathe, log, journal, stay curious and express my way. I'm so grateful for each of terrific you and this wonderful place to always come home too, my family & IRL friends, basking in the success after a long time getting there as well as the fond memories made while in Cincy, and coming home to the health & wealth to live this life I love! xoxox

11 november 2014

Can't believe I'm at the other end of my trip, back at the airport and heading home. After a tough to travel day here (flight was eventually canceled and I had to rush from LGA to JFK to catch their next flight, which was then delayed, but did eventually go... So instead of arriving in Cincy last Thurs at 3:30, I got in a 8!), the trip went really well but busy and exhausting every day. I was so pleased to see though that my mom is adjusting well to her new apartment, even as the alzheimers has so obviously progressed. She sleeps much of the day now, and is much quieter in general and less social, but went out with me each day, goes to her meals and still seems to enjoy happy hour as well as playing cards with me and my aunt. She has her good & bad days, and contrary to most Alzheimer's patients, her best time of day is late afternoon and evening. She wakes quiet confused and is slow to get going, but I was able to get her out this morning for a late breakfast before I headed to the airport. It was sad to say goodbye, so I had a good cry after she was safely back in her room, but I'm feeling ok again and have been eating and feeling well here. I had a good time at the wedding and with my friends here, got my hands on the sweet baby (my goddaughter's precious daughter), and took my mom to see my aunts and cousins. So, it was an all around really great visit with many more good memories made, and I'm thrilled that even through the trials of travel here and stresses with my mom, I've not succumbed to the overeating of my past. I am really hoping and working toward this being a good travel day home too and have my meals planned as well as my re-entry to,life in CT. DH is hoping to pick me up at the airport, unless something unforeseen comes up at work, which will be nice if it works out. And DS will be home when I get there.

Hope my buddies here have been doing well, and to catch up on your journals soon! Even in the busyness of getting moms new apartment all set up (I feel good that I left it in really good shape for her), you all were never far from my thoughts and daily prayer for serenity. I'm not sure if I mentioned that I'd recently read a book called Speaking Alzheimers. Between it, my health coach and the staff at my moms facility, I'm getiing much better and feeling much better about how I connect with mom. We all are working together to make her as successful as we can with as much independence as possible. And that's making me feel really good even in saying goodbye, knowing it's only goodbye for now as I'll be back in Jan.

But also for now, I'd better get on my way but not before again praying for serenity. Once again, I'll continue through this one day and each one meal, moment, bite, thought and emotion, to pray, breathe, journal, stay curious and express my way. I am so grateful for each of you and our wonderful place here of FS, my family & IRL friends, having had an awesome visit with my mom and family and friends in Cincy, and going home to the health & wealth that lets me live the life I love! Xoxox

06 november 2014

I wanted to write about the chuckle that I had this morning as I pulled out the scale... No, not to weigh myself, but my luggage! And It was1 lb under goal... The 50 lb limit before overweight charges kick in... Maybe a light weight shopping adventure if I can find the time! I certainly have it now, as I'm at the airport with a delay, now at just over an hour. It's raining and overcast in NYC and Cincy, so I thought I might be in trouble. Here I go again!

But, I'm feeling good, excited to see my Mom, my friends and other relatives there, and for the wedding tomo. I've been eating well and staying away from the foods that don't agree with me -- grains, dairy & sugar. I've packed my healthy snacks and am ready to stay my course while away. I've planned what Mom and I will do and have a nice mix of time alone with her, time with her and my other family there, and time for me with my friends and alone as well.

So, before I get no where fast, I'll take this break to pray for serenity... Will especially need it on this delayed travel day. And I'll pray, breathe, journal, stay curious and express my way through this one day and each one meal, moment, bite, thought and emotion. I'm so grateful for each of terrific you, my family and IRL friends, this trip to see my loved ones back home, feeling good even after delayed, and having the health and wealth to live this life I love! Xoxox

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